CFS1 had just came out and I was looking for a combat flight sim so I chose it over Janes.
I played it and convinced 2 of my friends in town here to get it as well, we played some IP games against each other and that was about it for a while then I logged on to the zone and made a password.
I flew a bit alone and so did they, I was recruited by a couple of squads and even joined one for a short bit but the rules they had were pretty stupid and I decided I would make my own squad.
One night I was working and was thinking of squad names and came up with The Night stalker squadron or NS_ for short.
The two friends then joined the squad so at the beginning it was NS_Ghost, NS_Voodoo, and NS_Goodspeed.
I started to recruit a few members and the squad grew to around 5 or so and about this time I met a guy who was in another squad at the time he agreed to join my squad and his new name was NS_Quick.
Quick and myself flew a lot and began recruiting pilots for the squad it grew rapidly and at one point was up over 60 members.
The other guys I started flying with kinda lost interest and faded away from the squad but I continued to fly.
Along the road there another squad came along called the Northern Stars squad and they were going by NS_ as well so I took the county number and added it to the Name so that we would not be confused with the other squadron as even after repeated talks with them they would not change their name from NS thus the name NS38th_ was born.
The squad had its normal ups and downs and then NS38th_Quick advised me that he was quiting the squad for unknown reasons, the squad continued on but because of personal reasons and a bit of burn out I kinda faded from the picture.
I decided that I would turn the squad over to someone else to keep the squad from breaking up as I was not able to put the time into it as I wanted, so the position as C.O. was handed over to Phantom and Nil as X.O. Later Phantom turned over the position as C.O. to Nil and Dave became X.O.
Nil and Dave kept the squad running even after the close of the MSN Zone to CFS, Then a place opened called the CFS2 Flight Deck which has seen a resurgence of CFS2 on line, I again took over as C.O. of the squadron and asked Nil to remain on as X.O. as the NS38th now is entering its 10th year of playing CFS !
I have in the past counted all the different NS38th_ names and it was well over 100, I know we have had members from, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, USA, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Italy, France, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Finland,South America just to name a few off the top of my head, I have met allot of great people from around the world and that is what makes this game truly special !
January 2008
C.O. NS38th
· Posted by NS38th_Nil_7
on January 17 2008
In CFS2 · 9697 Reads ·
A tribute to all former and present NS38th pilots for all the enjoyable hours spent together flying the Microsoft CFS1 and 2 series of simulators. Waste majority of pilots gone but not forgotten by the core that stick together and still have a blast shooting wild blind in the blue skies.