NS38th won the first game but the 202 got the next 2 games. However the NS38th fought back to tie the match at 2 to 2 and then came out shooting to win the 5th game and take the series 3 games to 2 !!
It was a blast thanks to all the guys that flew, great flying !!!
·Admin on February 13 2008 15:13:09 1 Comment ·
2880 Reads ·
New NS38th George
New NS38th George is available on the deck !
Deck link is www.thecfs2flightdeck.com look under CD planes on left
Now they plan to release Train Simulator 2 in 2009. Thats great, huhh, but then put some planes in there so that we can go busting up those damn trains..........
Seems odd that a train simulator should be greater business compared to releasing a next version of CFS.
·Admin on January 13 2008 11:26:31 0 Comments ·
2950 Reads ·
New and old C.O.
We now have both a new and "old" C.O.
Ghost has accepted to get back in the position as C.O. for NS38th and the site has been updated to a more flexible site, where we will all have the option to easily contribute with content.
I hope that those of you still being active in CFS2 will welcome these changes and support Ghost in any ways to keep the squad air born.
I will act as X.O. for the time being until a more active X.O. is eventually found. I hope that these changes will will benefit those of you still flying and maybe even making this an interesting place for new simmers who enjoy flying CFS2.
Feel welcome to contribute by submitting Links, News, Articles and Photos. Content is admin approved so it will appear once one of the admins have reviewed it.
Thanks to all those that supported me through my time as C.O. and a special thanks to Dave for his assistance.
A tribute to all former and present NS38th pilots for all the enjoyable hours spent together flying the Microsoft CFS1 and 2 series of simulators. Waste majority of pilots gone but not forgotten by the core that stick together and still have a blast shooting wild blind in the blue skies.